Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Holidays are Approaching

It's already the start of the holiday season and thebe4goodproject is beginning our annual Filled Stockings project. 
 Image result for stockings christmas
We will provide 12 filled stockings for seniors as well as 12 filled stockings for children.  If you would like to help, please choose the letter(s) from the following list of the items you can provide and email us at thebe4goodproject@gmail.com to confirm.  Drop offs or pickups are available from our host home in Roswell. Due date for all items is December 1st.

A - 24 candy canes NB
B - 12 chocolate Santas or Angels CNK
C - 12 chocolate Santas or Angels CNK
D - 10 lbs of miscellaneous candy - no nuts JGK
E - 12 individual tubes toothpaste NB
F - 12 individually wrapped toothbrushes SSN
G - 6 matchbox cars SB and MD
H - 3 assorted dolls that will fit in stockings JH
I - 3 assorted dolls that will fit in stockings JH
J - 12 packs of playing cards PLS and NSC
K - 12 small toys that will fit in stockings SB
L - 12 small toys that will fit in stockings DSS Jr
M - 12 bottles of antibacterial soap SJG
N - 6 bars scented soaps, individually wrapped PLS
O - 6 bars scented soaps, individually wrapped SJG
P - 6 items for seniors not listed above NSC
Q - 6 items for seniors not listed above DAS
R - 6 items for children not listed above
S - 6 items for children not listed above

We appreciate all who help us as we serve the needy in our community.  If we have enough to make more stockings, we will. Thank you and as always, be4good!

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