Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Grateful and Blessed!

Our Christmas project is done and 30 filled stockings full of toys and gifts were delivered on December 11th.  School age children will be the beneficiaries of these stockings along with extra toys being donated to a Cobb County Christmas Charity.

Thank all of you who supported us this season especially Valerie Sherer, Courtney Young, Jennifer Lawrence, Lauren and Chuck Neal, Sherry McFarland, Nicole Burkhalter, Patty Voyles, Jill Hewes, Christina Klejka, Erin Martin, JoAnn Crawford, Patty Sammons and Kathryn Gale.  I apologize if I missed anyone, but thank you for everything!

May you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas celebration!

and as always, be4good!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Toys, Toys, Toys!

Hey Everyone!


This year has been one of uncertainty and concern. Many of us are fairing well, but many are not.  Our communities have gathered and distributed food and other needs to thousands and the need continues. Our projects for the holidays this year will be 1) to fill 30 stockings with toys and other items for adopt-a-family in North Georgia and 2) to support Cobb Christmas! (Cobb Christmas is a non-profit, non-denominational organization, dedicated to helping the low-income and working-poor families of Cobb County during the holiday season. Their organization is run 100% by volunteers, allowing them to invest the majority of funds they raise each year directly into client services.)

The list is simple - we will collect toys for ages 2-15 in the $8-$10 price range.  All you have to do is email us and let us know how many toys you would like to purchase.  We will deliver them to Cobb Christmas in early December. All toys need to be delivered to our main location before November 20th.  

Our stockings' project will include the following. (All you need to do is email us with the letter of the items you wish to donate. Please remember: All items purchased need to be purchased in individually wrapping as we cannot open them and put them into stockings, for example: little car sets, hair accessories, etc. These stocking items need to be delivered to our main location by November 30th - please contact us for delivery availability.


A) 15 coloring books - for boys or unisex - NB

 B) 15 coloring books - for girls or unisex - EM

 C) 30 small packs of tissues - CY

D) 30 small bottles hand sanitizer  - LN

E) 30 medium size candy canes - PV

F)  30 chocolate Santas or Angels or Reindeers or a mixture of them - JH

G) 15 matchbox or comparable cars - individual packs - NB

H) 5 Barbie doll or similar size dolls  - JL

I)  15 toys for boys that fit in standard stocking - JC

J) 15 toys for girls that fit in standard stocking - SMc

 K) 5 Barbie dolls - LN

 L) 5 Barbie dolls   


Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at: thebe4goodproject@gmail.com

and as always, be4good! 






Saturday, September 19, 2020

Simple Simple Simple

For so many during this pandemic, having a job and providing for one's family has been difficult.  It is especially true for those who were already struggling before the pandemic hit.

One of the newest non-profits that we support is SimpleNeedsGa.org.  

Their mission seems simple:

 "To meet the simple needs of children, people experiencing homelessness, and others in need, while inspiring our community to do the same."  

Although they were not taking donations for months due to safety concerns, several members of thebe4goodproject put aside household items and waited for the window to open for donations to be dropped off.

We have been able to provide furniture, household items, and food for several patrons that Simple Needs is helping.

Just a quick thank you to Erin and Cooper Martin as well as Tina and Matt Klejka for their recent donations...it's simply wonderful!

Have a blessed day and as always, be4good!

Monday, April 27, 2020

2020 EBFL Project best Easter for some

Our 10th Easter Basket for Love project was smaller than years past.  As ironic as it was, the shelter at home made the project size more logical. While smaller, the project was still a success and some of the receiving families said it was their best Easter yet.  We delivered the baskets to our two non-profits and practiced safe distancing.

Special thanks to everyone who supported us including Jill Hewes, Patty Sammons, Nicole Burkhalter, Patty Voyles, Marilyn Dickerson, Lauren and Chuck Neal, Jennifer Lawrence, Erin Martin, Tina Klejka, Sherry McFarland, JoAnn Crawford, Courtney Young, Don Sammons and Kathryn Gale. We appreciate the continued outpouring of friends and family.

Stay safe everyone and as always, be4good!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Easter Baskets for Love 10th Anniversary - let's keep hopping!

This is the tenth year we have organized an Easter Baskets for Love project.  We are so excited to be able to continue...God's blessings are many!

This year we are supporting two smaller charities: 

Simple Needs of Georgia (simpleneedsgablog.com) 
 Family Promise (.familypromisecobbcounty.org)  

Both of these organizations serve homeless children and families.  Transitioning them to affordable housing is a must.  We will be providing filled Easter Baskets to the children.

Our item list is not as large as years passed, but still greatly needed. 

Please read this statement:

All items need to be new and packaged individually, except where noted with an asterick*! Remove price tags/sale tags before donating.  

Please email us below the letter(s) you wish to contribute.  All donations should be dropped off at our main location. Please email for details.

A. 25 Easter Baskets* JH
B. 22 Chocolate Bunnies JH
C. 5 small stuffed animals* EM
D. 10 packs of baby wipes* TK
E. 15 baby rattles* SM
F. 10lbs candy - individually wrapped MD & PV
G. 20 matchbox cars - individual packages NB
H. 4 dozen plastic Easter eggs - filled or empty* TK
I. 5 baby cups* PLS
J. 10 toys for girls age 3-9 JC
K. 10 toys for girls age 3-9
L. 2 hair brushes* PLS
M. 10 playdoh for boys age 3-9 JGL
N. 10 toys for boys age 3-9 L&CN
O. 15 coloring books* CY
P. 15 packs of crayons* CY
Q. A few items for teen girls (we have 2) PLS

We appreciate your support.  All items need to be dropped off by Saturday, March 22nd.

Please email to: thebe4goodproject@gmail.com.

Thank you and as always, be4good!