Thursday, August 22, 2013

We met an "angel" in Owsley!

I forgot to add Mallorie Kenny as one of our donators.  Thanks again, Mallorie!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tomorrow's The Day!

Our first trip out of Georgia!  Tomorrow 5 of us will travel to Owsley, Kentucky, to deliver much needed items for one of the poorest counties in our country.  Saturday, two more will join us.  We are excited to embark on this trip and are hopeful what we bring will make a little difference, if even for a day.

One of our members, Patty Sammons, has 50 boxes of items being delivered tomorrow and those of us in Georgia (and Northc Carolina) are toting a van and a car full.  Our plans include unloading and stocking the store shelves at the outreach, as well as delivering goods to some of the patrons.

A special thanks to all of you who helped in this project.  We continue to find people who care...and we are grateful.

We will update the blog when we return with pictures and a video!

May God bless us with His strength, understanding and care for others on our journey!

and as always, be4good!