Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thank yous all around!

As important as it is to find people who are committed to working towards a common goal, it is just as important to thank those who reached out and supported our group.  The last couple of months of 2014 we had a few small projects, and all had timely deadlines.  We wish to thank all of you who prayed for us.  Your thoughts and prayers go a long way in ensuring our mission is completed and done well.  Thank you!

Thank you to the following for their support: 
  • For the letters to the military during the holidays: Courtney Young, Lily Atangcho and Kathryn Gale. 
  • For the Christmas stockings for MUST: Courtney Young, Jennifer Kenny, Christina Klejka, Patty Sammons and Kathryn Gale.  Our MUST contact is always so pleased with the bountiful stockings she gets to hand out.
  • Finally, for the family gifts to Owsley: Valerie Sherer; Christina Klejka, Susan Neal, Patty Sammons, Kim Keene, Lesley Thomas, JoAnn Crawford, Stephanie Gale and Kathryn Gale.
Our 2014 was fantastic and we keep moving forward.  Our projects for 2015 are already underway and much help is needed.  Check out our next blog to be posted very soon.

Have a great Start to 2015 and as always, be4good!