Thursday, December 24, 2015

2015 Holiday Blessings!

As we all gather with our loved ones and celebrate the season, it is always nice to add a moment of silence or a prayer or kind thought for those who will be without.  We have so many blessings while many have few. 

Our project supported the children again this season...25 filled stockings for the Childrens' Restoration Network in Roswell, Georgia and new pajamas for toddlers at the MUST shelter in Marietta, Georgia.  A big thank you to those who participated especially Valerie and Mike Sherer, Christina and Matt Klejka, Jill Hewes, Patty and Al Voyles, the late Marilyn Sammons, Patty Sammons, Jennifer and Chris Kenny, Stephanie Gale and Steve and Kathryn Gale.

Children's Restoration worker (left) accepts stockings from Steve Gale

It is through giving that we receive!

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and blessed New Year!

and as always, be4good!

Monday, November 9, 2015

A Harmonic Holiday Season!

Hello Fall!!!

As we passed through the summer rather quickly, the fall is already on us and the holidays are right around the corner.  There is much need out there, as always, and we are called to help.

We will be participating in three projects:

1. MUST Thanksgiving ; our project is asked to provide 7 full buffet trays of carrots and peas (mixed)for the MUST Thanksgiving dinner in Marietta.  If you can provide a full tray, please let us know by sending an email to the address below.  All trays need to be at the MUST Kitchen at 55 Elizabeth Church Road in Marietta by Tuesday, November 24th.  (Thanksgiving items were a huge success!!!)

2. Our next Holiday project is the stockings for MUST.  We will be doing 25 boy stockings and we need the following.  If you can provide an item, please email with the letter you are choosing to buy:

A - 25 stockings - must be able to hold items the size of a sleeve of matchbox cars, plus little stuffers, etc. - C Klejka
B - 25 matchbox cars (or like kind) - V Sherer
C - 25 candy canes - V Sherer
D - 25 miscellaneous stocking stuffers boy age 3-9 K Gale
E - 25 miscellaneous stocking stuffers boy age 3-9
F - 25 miscellaneous stocking stuffers boy age 3-9
G - 8-10 lbs. of wrapped candy - no peanuts P Sammons
H - 25 toothbrushes (must be individually wrapped) - J Hewes
I - 25 tubes of toothpaste (must be individual) - J Hewes
J - 25 matchbox cards, individual packages

3. Finally, we will be sending new clothing items to Owsley County Outreach for the holidays.  I will update the sizes needed as soon as I receive them.  We can wrap and mail them directly to the Outreach and all information will follow in my next posting.

Thank you for all of your continued support.  As a non-profit supporter (we are not a non-profit ourselves), we receive such positive gratitude from all the groups we help.

All requests and replies should be emailed to us at:

Thank you,

and as always, be4good!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's summertime - the needs continue to grow!

First, we'd like to thank all of you who helped support the Owsley County Outreach group by donating time and items to the Appalachian Festival that was held Mother's Day weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio.  With a generous grant, and the sales of craft items, Owsley was able to raise $6,000+ to feed the children of Owsley County this summer.  Special thanks to: Valerie Sherer, Julie Phelan, Patty Sammons, Susan Sammons, Cali Zequeira, Christina Klejka, Jennifer Kenny, Pam Williams, ladies of MOPS in Denver, Colorado and Kathryn Gale.  We are indeed grateful for the time and effort you continue to show in support of the projects we take on.

This summer a few of our members will be taking mission trips to New Orleans and Guadalajara.  We ask for prayers and support for their safe travels and ministering of His Word.

Finally, our project will continue to work on helping where needed. Next project: feeding those nearby.

If you'd like to join us or have questions about our projects, please email us at

and as always, be4good!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Calling all crafters!!!

We need you - we need your talent - we need your help!

Our Spring/Summer project this year is to provide the Owsley County Outreach Program with new, handmade craft items to sell at the upcoming Appalachian Festival ( A couple of us will travel to the event in Ohio and help them sell these items to raise money for food for the children of their area.  Many of these children do not have more than 1 meal a weekend during the school year and we aim to help change that.  On Fridays  the Outreach program provides backpacks full of food to the schools who in turn send them home with the children.  Obviously, this is costly and they get no federal funding. The annual festival can bring in a great deal if we can provide sellable items.  Big ticket items include handmade quilts and blankets!  We will take any handmade craft item and fill our cars to help assist them in their fundraiser.

Want to learn more about them.  Go to this link:

Want to help us?  Please email us with your name and phone number at and we will discuss all the details.

Please feel free to join our group - we would love to have you!

and as always, be4good!

Monday, April 6, 2015

EBFL - so thankful!!!

Thanks again to our wonderful group of incredible people.  We made the 40 baskets for the MUST shelter in Cobb County and they were thrilled to receive them!  Here's a pic of some of the baskets we filled:
On a bittersweet note a dear member of our group, who fought cancer for over 12 years, always loved supporting our projects and loved shopping for kid items, especially for the EBFL project.  The day after Christmas she left us peacefully, surrounded by her family.  It wasn't too long before her husband posted a message wondering who she had bought a bag full of toys for that he found in her office.  Of course, she had communicated with us before her passing that she purchased the toys for our project.  What a joy to be able to add her gifts to our baskets this year!  As the administrator, I pray these needy patrons will somehow feel the love and concern she felt as they play with the cars, etc. that she donated.  Her memory continues to live on through the giving she felt compelled to do even with the battle she was fighting.  She lived everyday to the fullest!  What a true warrior, Shay!
The be4good project will miss you and your loving heart! 
As we move forward with our next project, a big thank you also goes to the following members for their generosity and support: Susan Neal, Patty Sammons, Jennifer Kenny, Cara Kenny, Samantha Kenny, Patty Voyles, Jill Hewes, Lesley Thomas, JoAnn Crawford, Courtney Young, Eric and Nancy DeHart, Stephanie Gale and Kathryn Gale.  Our next project is next month.  Please check back soon for all the details.
and as always, be4good!. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Easter Baskets for Love Celebrates 5 years!!!

This is our fifth year providing Easter Basket for the needy in Cobb County. As always, it takes a team and we have a great one!  We also get help from other friends from time to time and that makes it all possible.

This year we will be reducing the number of baskets we provide due to other organizations providing baskets as well.  We need only 40 filled baskets and would love you to support our efforts.  Please see the following list, pick a letter of the items you will purchase and email us at to let us know.  All items will be dropped off at our main location and that information will be provided when you email us.  Delivery of the baskets will be the week before Easter so our deadline for drop off will be Sunday, March 22nd.  I believe this will give us enough time to purchase and assemble the baskets.  Here is the list:

A - 20 chocolate bunnies - at least 6" tall - JC
B - 20 chocolate bunnies - at least 6" tall - CMY
C - 20 baskets Jill H
D - 20 baskets Jill H
E - 20 toys for boys age 3-9 END
F - 20 toys for boys age 3-9 END
G - 20 toys for boys age 3-9 END
H - 20 toys for girls age 3-9 KSG
I - 20 toys for girls age 3-9JGK
J - 20 toys for girls age 3-9PLS
K - 10 lbs of candy (stay away from peanut items) Lesley
L - 10 lbs of candy (stay away form peanut items) Lesley
M - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste (in individual packages) SN
N - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste (in individual packages) SN
O - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste (in individual packages) SN
P - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste (in individual packages) SN

Please let us know a.s.a.p. so we can mark you off the list!

Our spring project is right after this event and details will follow shortly.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

and as always, be4good!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thank yous all around!

As important as it is to find people who are committed to working towards a common goal, it is just as important to thank those who reached out and supported our group.  The last couple of months of 2014 we had a few small projects, and all had timely deadlines.  We wish to thank all of you who prayed for us.  Your thoughts and prayers go a long way in ensuring our mission is completed and done well.  Thank you!

Thank you to the following for their support: 
  • For the letters to the military during the holidays: Courtney Young, Lily Atangcho and Kathryn Gale. 
  • For the Christmas stockings for MUST: Courtney Young, Jennifer Kenny, Christina Klejka, Patty Sammons and Kathryn Gale.  Our MUST contact is always so pleased with the bountiful stockings she gets to hand out.
  • Finally, for the family gifts to Owsley: Valerie Sherer; Christina Klejka, Susan Neal, Patty Sammons, Kim Keene, Lesley Thomas, JoAnn Crawford, Stephanie Gale and Kathryn Gale.
Our 2014 was fantastic and we keep moving forward.  Our projects for 2015 are already underway and much help is needed.  Check out our next blog to be posted very soon.

Have a great Start to 2015 and as always, be4good!