Monday, January 21, 2019

Easter Baskets for Love for the Atlanta Children's Shelter


The be4goodproject is celebrating the start of its ninth year. With the Easter season approaching, our hearts turn to the reason we give to others and we are blessed to share what we have.  Our vision has not changed: to spread peace, love and harmony to others, one person at a time.

Once again, we will be doing our Easter Baskets for Love project.  This is our third year supporting the Atlanta Children's Shelter and we will be providing 75 filled baskets along with 100 bunny ears.  To read more about the shelter, please visit

If you wish to support our project, please choose from the list provided and let us know what you wish to provide by choosing the appropriate letter.  An important reminder:  All items purchased must be individually wrapped.  All candy must be nut free.  please let us know if you have any questions before purchasing. (Easter grass and cellophane wrap is provided by project director.

A: 25 empty baskets - JH
B: 25 empty baskets - JH
C: 25 empty baskets - JH
D: 25 chocolate bunnies - JC
E: 25 chocolate bunnies - JC
F: 25 chocolate bunnies - CNK
G: 75 toothbrushes individually wrapped - SN
H: 75 tubes of toothpaste individually boxed/wrapped - SN
I:  30 bunny ears - JGL
J:  30 bunny ears
K: 40 bunny ears
L: 10 lbs. individually wrapped candy - MRS D
M: 25 small toys - CNK
N:  25 small toys
O:  25 small toys
P:  25 small toys
Q: 25 small toys - END
R: 25 small toys - END
S: 75 filled plastic eggs - do not need to be individually wrapped - PLS
T: 75 filled plastic eggs - do not need to be individually wrapped CY
U: 25 decks of cards - SueB
V:  25 decks of cards - PV
W: 25 baby rattles/toys

All items need to be delivered to our main home by April 1st, 2019.  Please email your choice(s) and any questions to

We thank you in advance...and as always, be4good!