Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Owsley is right around the corner

Our final 3 weeks are upon us as we prepare for our trip to Owsley, Kentucky to take much needed supplies for the area's neediest patrons.  Some of our members are hard at work collecting items to be donated.  Two members stepped up to help finance the trip.  We are still in need of donations.  If you have any of the following new, unopened items, or you would like to buy new items, we would love to take them off your hands.  Items can be retrieved two ways:  They can be dropped off at out main house on Saturday or Sunday, July 27th and 28th or we can arrange to pick them up.  Please let us know if you can help.  Our goal is to have two van fulls (we have one thus far).  A few of us will be going up for the weekend of August 9-11 to help distribute, organize and all-around assist the local outreach.  If you would be interested in joining us, please let us know a.s.a.p.

Here is the list of the items we are collecting:

Food items
(Prefer that these are individual sizes (1-2 servings) as they will be put into backpacks for children to take home for the weekend).
Canned or packaged tuna
Canned chicken
Canned or boxed soups
Fruit cups
Veggie cups
Beef jerky
Breakfast Bars
Cheese crackers
Vienna Sausages
Rice Krispy Treats
Juice boxes
Crystal Light
Gatorade,  PowerAde, etc.
Ensure or children’s nutritional drinks

(All items need to be NEW – they can be full size, but prefer hotel size)
Hand or body lotions
Wash rags
Shaving cream
Hair brushes
Hairpins, barrettes, rubber bands/hair ties
Dental floss
Sanitary items
Hand sanitizers
Hand wipes
Eye Drops

We appreciate all the help thus far and will post a few pictures when we return.  If you have any questions, please send us an email at: 

Thank you and as always, be4good!