Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Toys, Toys, Toys!

Hey Everyone!


This year has been one of uncertainty and concern. Many of us are fairing well, but many are not.  Our communities have gathered and distributed food and other needs to thousands and the need continues. Our projects for the holidays this year will be 1) to fill 30 stockings with toys and other items for adopt-a-family in North Georgia and 2) to support Cobb Christmas! (Cobb Christmas is a non-profit, non-denominational organization, dedicated to helping the low-income and working-poor families of Cobb County during the holiday season. Their organization is run 100% by volunteers, allowing them to invest the majority of funds they raise each year directly into client services.)

The list is simple - we will collect toys for ages 2-15 in the $8-$10 price range.  All you have to do is email us and let us know how many toys you would like to purchase.  We will deliver them to Cobb Christmas in early December. All toys need to be delivered to our main location before November 20th.  

Our stockings' project will include the following. (All you need to do is email us with the letter of the items you wish to donate. Please remember: All items purchased need to be purchased in individually wrapping as we cannot open them and put them into stockings, for example: little car sets, hair accessories, etc. These stocking items need to be delivered to our main location by November 30th - please contact us for delivery availability.


A) 15 coloring books - for boys or unisex - NB

 B) 15 coloring books - for girls or unisex - EM

 C) 30 small packs of tissues - CY

D) 30 small bottles hand sanitizer  - LN

E) 30 medium size candy canes - PV

F)  30 chocolate Santas or Angels or Reindeers or a mixture of them - JH

G) 15 matchbox or comparable cars - individual packs - NB

H) 5 Barbie doll or similar size dolls  - JL

I)  15 toys for boys that fit in standard stocking - JC

J) 15 toys for girls that fit in standard stocking - SMc

 K) 5 Barbie dolls - LN

 L) 5 Barbie dolls   


Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at:

and as always, be4good!