Thursday, May 8, 2014

Headed for Owsley to feed the children!

Well, summer is almost here and we will be doing our summer project again to Owsley, Kentucky.  Known as the poorest county in the U.S., the Owsley County Outreach Program provides weekly backpacks for children full of food for the weekend.  During the summer it is especially hard as the children are not at school and getting them the extra food they need is difficult.  Our project this year is to provide enough food for 2 days for 150 backpacks.  Here are the particulars:

We will need the items as listed.  If you wish to purchase an item, email us at and give us the letter(s) of the items you will be buying.

A: 75 snack bars - no peanut or peanut butter CK
B: 75 snack bars - no peanut or peanut butter CK
C: 75 snack bars - no peanut or peanut butter NDe
D: 75 snack bars - no peanut or peanut butter SSN
E: 50 cans of Chef -boy-r-dee SMKGH
F: 50 cans of Chef-boy-r-dee LT
G: 50 cans of Chef-boy-r-dee NDe
H: 50 cans of tuna/canned meat JH
I: 50 cans of tuna/canned meat JH
J: 20 cans of tuna/canned meat SSN
J1: 30 cans of tuna/canned meat NDe
K: 5 dozen juice boxes LT
L: 5 dozen juice boxes  CM
M: 5 dozen juice boxes CM
N: 5 dozen juice boxes KG
O: 5 dozen juice boxes KG
P: 50 apples LT
Q: 50 apples KG
R: 50 apples KG
S: 5 boxes instant oatmeal (10 per box) JC
T: 5 boxes instant oatmeal (10 per box) JC
U: 5 boxes instant oatmeal (10 per box) SSN (52)
Z: 8 pkgs fruit cups (6 per pack) NB

AA: 8 pkgs fruit cups (6 per pack) SSN

Once again, due to allergies there should be no peanuts or peanut butter.  We will be taking delivery of these items at the be4goodproject house from
July 1st-July 31st  Please hold on to them until then.
Our trip up there will be a drop off and short visit only the second week of August.

We'd also like to welcome our new member, Susan Neal, from Cincinnati. 

We always appreciate the help we get from our members and our community.  Please take a moment to share our blog with your friends either by email or through Facebook.  We thank you!

and as always, be4good!