Friday, December 8, 2017

Holiday Thanks and Blessings!

A big thank you to everyone who supported the be4good project holiday gifting.  We created 14 full stockings for children, 7 separate gifts for their holiday bazaar, and 12 senior stockings.   The childrens' stockings  and gifts were dropped off at the Atlanta Children's Shelter on Wednesday.
Here is member Kathryn Gale with Director, Sandra Holiday. Sandra is a remarkable woman who has spent the last 8 years improving lives. For more information about the Atlanta's Children Shelter, visit their website at: 

The senior stockings will be dropped off on Sunday, December 10th.

We'd especially like to thank the following people for their support:  Jill Hewes, Christina and Matt Klejka, Patty Sammons, Susan Neal, Nancy Chessey, David and Cherryl Sammons, Don Sammons, Susan Blackman, Ryan Gale, Jennifer Kenny, Stephanie Gale, Marilyn Dickerson and Kathryn and Steve Gale. Our apologies if we forgot someone.

As our last post of 2017, we wish each and everyone one of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

and as always, be4good! 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Holidays are Approaching

It's already the start of the holiday season and thebe4goodproject is beginning our annual Filled Stockings project. 
 Image result for stockings christmas
We will provide 12 filled stockings for seniors as well as 12 filled stockings for children.  If you would like to help, please choose the letter(s) from the following list of the items you can provide and email us at to confirm.  Drop offs or pickups are available from our host home in Roswell. Due date for all items is December 1st.

A - 24 candy canes NB
B - 12 chocolate Santas or Angels CNK
C - 12 chocolate Santas or Angels CNK
D - 10 lbs of miscellaneous candy - no nuts JGK
E - 12 individual tubes toothpaste NB
F - 12 individually wrapped toothbrushes SSN
G - 6 matchbox cars SB and MD
H - 3 assorted dolls that will fit in stockings JH
I - 3 assorted dolls that will fit in stockings JH
J - 12 packs of playing cards PLS and NSC
K - 12 small toys that will fit in stockings SB
L - 12 small toys that will fit in stockings DSS Jr
M - 12 bottles of antibacterial soap SJG
N - 6 bars scented soaps, individually wrapped PLS
O - 6 bars scented soaps, individually wrapped SJG
P - 6 items for seniors not listed above NSC
Q - 6 items for seniors not listed above DAS
R - 6 items for children not listed above
S - 6 items for children not listed above

We appreciate all who help us as we serve the needy in our community.  If we have enough to make more stockings, we will. Thank you and as always, be4good!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hopping over to Summer

First, we wish to thank everyone who participated in the Easter Baskets for Love project.  We filled 60 baskets full of bunnies, toys and necessities for the Atlanta Children's Shelter.  We had support from family and friends that continue to believe in sharing the goodness with others.


We'd especially like to thank the following: Susan Blackman, JoAnn Crawford, CourtneyYoung, Marilyn Dickerson, Cherryl Sammons, Patty Sammons, Susan Neal, Joan Keenan, Jackson Keenan, Nancy Chessey, Patty Voyles, Nichole Burkhalter, Jill Hewes, Christina Klejka, Jennifer Kenny, Stephanie Gale, and Steve and Kathryn Gale.  If we have forgotten someone, we apologize. We are humbled by the support of our family and friends.

As we look to our next project, we are always pursuing the best in people. 

and as always, be4good!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Year Seven - Easter Baskets for Love Moves Forward

Our group has put together a lot of Easter Baskets throughout the years.  This year will be out 7th and we are so happy to be able to continue this project.

Image result for easterWe will be making 60 baskets this year for the Atlanta Children's Shelter ( The Atlanta Children’s Shelter was established in 1986 by members of the Junior League of Atlanta in response to the growing number of homeless families with young children in the Metro Atlanta area.  Initially, ACS was established as a centrally located childcare facility where homeless parents could bring their children while they searched for employment opportunities within the community.  In 1996, the Atlanta Children's Shelter made the decision to dramatically overhaul its entire service model in an effort to become more responsive to the unique needs and barriers of homeless families.  In addition to an evolved service model, the Atlanta Children's Shelter also received a new home thank to the very generous donation of the North Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Since its inception, the Atlanta Children’s Shelter has successfully assisted in stabilizing nearly 5,000 homeless families and over 8,000 homeless children by transitioning homeless families into stable housing and sustainable employment.

If you wish to help, please email us at: and choose which letter(s) you will be providing.  All items need to be dropped off at our home base.  All questions can be answered by emailing us.  If it is not possible for you to drop off, we can meet you to pick up your items.

List of items needed:
A) 20 medium chocolate bunnies - no nuts (JC)
B) 20 medium chocolate bunnies - no nuts (MD)
C) 13 medium chocolate bunnies - no nuts (SB)
D) 7 stuffed animals for children under age 1 (NB)
E) 12 toys for ages 1-3 (CNK)
F) 12 toys for ages 1-3 (CNK)
G) 12 toys for ages 1-3 (CNK)
H) 9 toys for ages 3-5 (NC)
I)  9 toys for ages 3-5 (NC)
J) 9 toys for ages 3-5 (CORKY)
K) 9 toys for ages 3-5 (CORKY)
L) 9 toys for ages 3-5
M) 9 toys for ages 3-5
N) 10 toys ages 6-9 (PLS)
O) 10 toys ages  6-9 (PLS)
P) 10 toys ages 6-9 (PLS)
Q) 10 toys ages 10+
R) 10 toys ages 10+
S) 10 toys ages 10+
T) 25 toothbrushes (all individually wrapped) (NB)
U) 25 toothbrushes (all individually wrapped) (JH)
V) 25 tubes of toothpaste (all individual) (SN)
W) 25 tubes of toothpaste (all individual) (SN)
X) 10 lbs. candy - NO NUTS (SJG)
Y) 10lbs. Easter candy - NO NUTS (SJG)
Z) 30 Easter baskets (JH)

Please note:  These items have to fit in the basket - please consider this when picking out toys.  All baskets will be wrapped in cellophane and ribbons.

Please email with ANY questions a.s.a.p.  We appreciate all support and thank you for taking the time to be a part of our project.

We support non-profit groups...if you wish to receive a tax deductible receipt, please let us know and we will get one for you.

If you are not a member of our project, and wish to become one, just let us know and we will add you to our list and email communications.

Peace to you and as always, be4good!

Friday, January 27, 2017

2017 - Time Sure Flies

It has been months since I updated this blog - not because we weren't busy - but because I was busy and kept putting it off.

Last Fall, members of our project decided to support a wonderful new foundation in support of a dear friend who passed away.  We raised money to share music with those who could not afford to play or pay on their own.  Because of this, we did not do our annual Christmas stockings.  This year we will resume as in the past.

Members also served on mission trips and making and preparing food for MUST Ministries.

We would like to welcome two new members of our project: Joan Keenan and her son, Jackson. Jackson has been supporting the project for a couple of years now and has finally joined our team.  We are thrilled to welcome him and his mother. 

Our next event is the Easter Baskets for Love...our annual event to provide filled Easter Baskets for local non-profits who would otherwise, have none. More details to follow...

We hope you are enjoying the New Year and have made plans to serve more...we are always looking for new members.

and as always, be4good!