We will be providing 20 filled Easter Baskets this year for the simpleneedsga.org. They are a fabulous non-profit - check them out!
If you are interested in helping, choose a letter below and provide those items. Please read them carefully. All things individually wrapped - NO PEANUTS!!!
A - 6 toys for girls age 3-6 - SJG
B - 5 chocolate bunnies - JRGL
C - 6 Barbie or like kind dolls - CY
D - 8 toys for boys age 3-6 Mrs D
E - 20 tooth brushes - NB
F - 20 tubes of toothpaste - RG
G - 10 individual packs of baby wipes - JC
H - 10 individual packs of baby wipes - EM
Luckily, we already have other supplies in house so the items above are all that are needed
All items must be brought to our main location by March 22nd!!!
Please email us at thebe4goodproject@gmail.com
and as always,