We have completed our stockings and delivering them today and tomorrow to be given to children at the Haven Academy as well as the Simple Needs Organization. Our little helpers (shown below) assembled the stockings along with a few older helpers: Allison Gale, Jennifer and Chad Lawrence, Stephanie Gale and Kathryn.
Friday, December 8, 2023
Stockings ready to go!
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Spreading the Joy Tree - Ready to go!
Our Peace, Love and Harmony tree is complete (minus the tree skirt to be added) and will be on its way to the Festival of Trees this week. If you're in Atlanta, come to the Festival of Trees. Info here:
The event has so many exciting activities to participate in and enjoy. Our tree, along with hundreds of others, has been donated along with decorated wreathes and table top decor. Sales of these items and proceeds from the festival benefit the fight against child sexual exploitation.
Thanks to all who contributed items to decorate it including: Jill Healey, Courtney Young, Ryan Gale, Lauren Fahsel, Patty Sammons and Kathryn Gale. Also thanks to our helpers, Cara and Sammy who helped decorate it.
as always, be4good!
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Stocking up on Christmas Giving!
It's already the holidays and we are all preparing! Our second holiday project is our Christmas Stockings, filled with toys and candy and necessities! We will be filling 40 stockings this year. 30 for the children through Haven Academy and 10 for Simple Needs GA.
If interested in helping, please EMAIL us at thebe4goodproject@gmail.com with the letter(s) below that you will be providing. Please note: all items must be in individual wrappings as we cannot open them before adding to the stockings. They must fit in a standard stocking as well. All donations need to be at our home location by November 29th!
A) 15 stockings CNK
B) 15 stockings CNK
C) 4 lbs. of wrapped Christmas candies - no peanuts, please!!! JGL
D) 4 lbs. of wrapped Christmas candies - no peanuts, please!!! SHG
E) 10 toothbrushes and 10 bars of soap (NB)
F) 20 tubes of toothpaste EM
G) 18 tubes of toothpaste JRG&LF
H) 30 bars of soap EM
I) 20 hair combs SJG
J) 20 hair combs SJG
K) 5 adult coloring books with colored pencils or gel pens KSG
L) 5 adult coloring books with colored pencils or gel pens KSG
M) 10 pair women's socks PLS
N) 7 pairs men's socks PLS
O) 10 items for 6 month old babies PamW
P) 10 decks of cards or card games PamW
Q) 10 decks of cards or card games (C&LN)
R) 10 packs of hair ties PLS
S) 9 male deodorants (spray or stick) CY
T) 9 nail clipper sets MrsD
U) 10 jars nail polish CY
V) 10 lip balms/chapstick (C&LN)
W) 17 hand warmers CY
X) 9 beanies for men CY
Y) 3 dozen tissue packs (PV)
Z) 3 dozen candy canes (PV)
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
And as always, be4good!
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Spreading the Joy
Our first fall project is for the The Georgia Festival of Trees. The festival is scheduled for the end of November. The festival benefits charity partners working to end the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).
Our project will be making and donating a small decorated Christmas Tree that will be sold at the festival. Our theme is our slogan: Spreading peace, love and harmony to others, one person at a time.
Our tree will have a theme of doves, white and green ornaments and olive branches. If you'd like to participate, please select from the items below. All items need to be dropped at our main location by October 15th. (The dove ornaments and lighted tree have already been secured).
If you would like to participate in assembling the tree, please email us below.
Items Needed:
A. 24 small white ball ornaments (non-glass)-CY
B. 24 small green ball ornaments (non-glass) JH
C. 10 yards 1" wide white wired ribbon PLS
D. 36 artificial olive branches (can be part of a bunch or bunches)
E. White tree skirt - will add embellishments to it- R&L
Please feel free to email us with any questions at: thebe4goodproject@gmail.com.
and as always, be4good!
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Easter Joy and Thankfulness
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Easter Baskets for Love project. We filled 20 baskets and added much needed supplies for SimpleNeedsGA.org.
Thanks to all who provided the supplies including:
Jill Healy, Tina Klejka, Jennifer Lawrence, Marilyn Dickerson, Stephanie Gale, Ryan Gale, Lauren Fahsel, JoAnn Crawford, Courtney Young, Nicole Burkhalter, Don Sammons, Erin Martin and Kathryn Gale
Special thanks to our young helpers who assembled the baskets: Cara and Samantha Kenny as well as Preston Lawrence.
As we continue to pursue our goals, we are ever grateful to all who support us and those we serve!
and as always, be4good!
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Only a few for Easter this year!
We will be providing 20 filled Easter Baskets this year for the simpleneedsga.org. They are a fabulous non-profit - check them out!
If you are interested in helping, choose a letter below and provide those items. Please read them carefully. All things individually wrapped - NO PEANUTS!!!
A - 6 toys for girls age 3-6 - SJG
B - 5 chocolate bunnies - JRGL
C - 6 Barbie or like kind dolls - CY
D - 8 toys for boys age 3-6 Mrs D
E - 20 tooth brushes - NB
F - 20 tubes of toothpaste - RG
G - 10 individual packs of baby wipes - JC
H - 10 individual packs of baby wipes - EM
Luckily, we already have other supplies in house so the items above are all that are needed
All items must be brought to our main location by March 22nd!!!
Please email us at thebe4goodproject@gmail.com
and as always,