Saturday, September 19, 2020

Simple Simple Simple

For so many during this pandemic, having a job and providing for one's family has been difficult.  It is especially true for those who were already struggling before the pandemic hit.

One of the newest non-profits that we support is  

Their mission seems simple:

 "To meet the simple needs of children, people experiencing homelessness, and others in need, while inspiring our community to do the same."  

Although they were not taking donations for months due to safety concerns, several members of thebe4goodproject put aside household items and waited for the window to open for donations to be dropped off.

We have been able to provide furniture, household items, and food for several patrons that Simple Needs is helping.

Just a quick thank you to Erin and Cooper Martin as well as Tina and Matt Klejka for their recent's simply wonderful!

Have a blessed day and as always, be4good!