Monday, April 27, 2020

2020 EBFL Project best Easter for some

Our 10th Easter Basket for Love project was smaller than years past.  As ironic as it was, the shelter at home made the project size more logical. While smaller, the project was still a success and some of the receiving families said it was their best Easter yet.  We delivered the baskets to our two non-profits and practiced safe distancing.

Special thanks to everyone who supported us including Jill Hewes, Patty Sammons, Nicole Burkhalter, Patty Voyles, Marilyn Dickerson, Lauren and Chuck Neal, Jennifer Lawrence, Erin Martin, Tina Klejka, Sherry McFarland, JoAnn Crawford, Courtney Young, Don Sammons and Kathryn Gale. We appreciate the continued outpouring of friends and family.

Stay safe everyone and as always, be4good!