This is the tenth year we have organized an Easter Baskets for Love project. We are so excited to be able to continue...God's blessings are many!
This year we are supporting two smaller charities:
Simple Needs of Georgia (
Family Promise (
Both of these organizations serve homeless children and families. Transitioning them to affordable housing is a must. We will be providing filled Easter Baskets to the children.
Our item list is not as large as years passed, but still greatly needed.
Please read this statement:
All items need to be new and packaged individually, except where noted with an asterick*! Remove price tags/sale tags before donating.
Please email us below the letter(s) you wish to contribute. All donations should be dropped off at our main location. Please email for details.
A. 25 Easter Baskets* JH
B. 22 Chocolate Bunnies JH
C. 5 small stuffed animals* EM
D. 10 packs of baby wipes* TK
E. 15 baby rattles* SM
F. 10lbs candy - individually wrapped MD & PV
G. 20 matchbox cars - individual packages NB
H. 4 dozen plastic Easter eggs - filled or empty* TK
I. 5 baby cups* PLS
J. 10 toys for girls age 3-9 JC
K. 10 toys for girls age 3-9
L. 2 hair brushes* PLS
M. 10 playdoh for boys age 3-9 JGL
N. 10 toys for boys age 3-9 L&CN
O. 15 coloring books* CY
P. 15 packs of crayons* CY
Q. A few items for teen girls (we have 2) PLS
We appreciate your support. All items need to be dropped off by Saturday, March 22nd.
Please email to:
Thank you and as always, be4good!