Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Stockings were overflowing!

It is with great appreciation that we thank all of you who helped with the Christmas stockings this year.  We dropped them off for delivery on Friday the 13th and most of them were overflowing.

Here Director Kathryn Gale stands with some of the helpers when she dropped off the stockings.

We'd especially like to thank Brittany Martin and the Atlanta team of Ryan LLC for their extreme generosity as well as the following people: Stephanie Gale, Ryan Gale, Genesis Shawkey, Jill Hewes, Christina Klejka, Patty Sammons, Susan Neal, Cindy Sammons, Chuck and Lauren Neal, Patty Voyles, Julie Hall, Marilyn Dickerson, Sherry McFarland, Amy Combs, Steve and Kathryn Gale.  We apologize if we have forgotten anyone. 

May God bless all of you this holiday season and as always, be4good!