Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Easter Baskets a Big Hit!

The be4good project delivered 75 filled Easter Baskets to the Atlanta Children's Shelter ( on April 17th.  Childcare Director, Billie Walker met us and was gleefully happy with all the goodies.  I asked Billie to give us a tour of the facility since team member Jill Hewes was visiting for the first time and was excited to see all the progress the shelter had achieved. For the first time this fall, they will welcome up to 10 children in their new kindergarten program.  The ACS organization is thriving and their successes are many. Our continued prayers go out to them. 

                                                         Putting them all together
Dropping off at ACS
(left to right: Billie Walker, Kathryn Gale, Jill Hewes)

We'd like to thank all of you who helped with our project including: Jill Hewes, Christina Klejka, Jennifer Lawrence, Cara and Sam Kenny, Stephanie Gale, Ryan Gale and Genesis Shawkey, Sherry McFarland, Susan Blackman, JoAnne Crawford, Susan Neal, Patty Sammons, Lauren Craig, Eric DeHart, Patty Voyles, Marilyn Dickerson, Valerie Sherer and Kathryn Gale

Remember it takes just a few minutes and a few dollars to spread joy.
and as always, be4good!