It has been months since I updated this blog - not because we weren't busy - but because I was busy and kept putting it off.
Last Fall, members of our project decided to support a wonderful new foundation in support of a dear friend who passed away. We raised money to share music with those who could not afford to play or pay on their own. Because of this, we did not do our annual Christmas stockings. This year we will resume as in the past.
Members also served on mission trips and making and preparing food for MUST Ministries.
We would like to welcome two new members of our project: Joan Keenan and her son, Jackson. Jackson has been supporting the project for a couple of years now and has finally joined our team. We are thrilled to welcome him and his mother.
Our next event is the Easter Baskets for Love...our annual event to provide filled Easter Baskets for local non-profits who would otherwise, have none. More details to follow...
We hope you are enjoying the New Year and have made plans to serve more...we are always looking for new members.
and as always, be4good!