Thursday, December 5, 2013

A special time for Peace, Love and Harmony

I am pleased to share that our winter projects are just about complete.  First, our group made potatoes, carrots, peas and gravy to feed 240 people for Thanksgiving at the Elizabeth Shelter in Cobb County. A couple of members went and worked the dinner along with clean up.  The patrons were very gracious and there was plenty of food to go around.  Everyone enjoyed it.

Many thanks to Patty Sammons, Tina Klejka, Jennifer Kenny, Stephanie Gale, Stephanie Neal, Jill Hewes, Patty Voyles, Lesley Thomas,  JoAnn Crawford, Courtney Moore and Kathryn Gale. 

Our Owsley County Outreach Christmas gifts have been delivered and stored at the preschool for the 40 children. Distribution will be right before Christmas. Thank everyone who participated! I know it takes time and effort to think of others and thebe4good project has had great success in finding the right people to help.

I'd especially like to thank the following for all of their contributions:  Valerie Sherer, Patty Sammons, Marilyn Sammons, Tina Klejka, Pam Williams, Stephanie Neal, Steve Gale, Eric DeHart, Lynn Mitzel, Muriel Varon, JoAnn Crawford, Courtney Moore, Becca Banks, Shay Hamer, Lesley Thomas and Kathryn Gale.  If I have forgotten anyone, accept my apology and gratitude.

Our stockings for MUST will be delivered next week and it appears we have more than needed. This is always a wonderful thing as more children will benefit from these gifts. The surplus will go to the MUST main campus for needy families, etc.

Wishing a warm, safe and wonderful holiday season to all of our family and friends. And when you get the chance to serve, please spread peace, love and harmony to others.

Matthew 25 : 35-45 tells us, For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

And as always, be4good!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Remembering the Children

The be4goodproject met recently and decided to continue with our big projects, along with adding a few smaller ones for 2014. One of the most important goals of our project is to make sure the children in our area, and those in Owsley County,Kentucky receive not only the basics but also the extras that most children in our country take for granted.

Whether one celebrates Christmas or not, the children of Owsley will be receiving gifts and stockings this year.  We have "adopted" the preschool children and will be giving filled stockings, an outfit and gifts for each one of the 40 children we were assigned.

Our local children who stay at the Elizabeth Inn of Cobb County, along with many homeless children, will once again receive filled stockings from the be4goodproject in December.

As of now, we have already filled the needs listed above and are thrilled to have the support we have been blessed with this year.

Our group is small, but their hearts are huge, and we continue to push forward to increase the support of those in need.

If you take the time to read our posts, and have an interest in helping from time to time, please let us know. We can always be reached at

Thanks to all who have participated.

and as always, be4good!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We met an "angel" in Owsley!

I forgot to add Mallorie Kenny as one of our donators.  Thanks again, Mallorie!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tomorrow's The Day!

Our first trip out of Georgia!  Tomorrow 5 of us will travel to Owsley, Kentucky, to deliver much needed items for one of the poorest counties in our country.  Saturday, two more will join us.  We are excited to embark on this trip and are hopeful what we bring will make a little difference, if even for a day.

One of our members, Patty Sammons, has 50 boxes of items being delivered tomorrow and those of us in Georgia (and Northc Carolina) are toting a van and a car full.  Our plans include unloading and stocking the store shelves at the outreach, as well as delivering goods to some of the patrons.

A special thanks to all of you who helped in this project.  We continue to find people who care...and we are grateful.

We will update the blog when we return with pictures and a video!

May God bless us with His strength, understanding and care for others on our journey!

and as always, be4good!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Owsley is right around the corner

Our final 3 weeks are upon us as we prepare for our trip to Owsley, Kentucky to take much needed supplies for the area's neediest patrons.  Some of our members are hard at work collecting items to be donated.  Two members stepped up to help finance the trip.  We are still in need of donations.  If you have any of the following new, unopened items, or you would like to buy new items, we would love to take them off your hands.  Items can be retrieved two ways:  They can be dropped off at out main house on Saturday or Sunday, July 27th and 28th or we can arrange to pick them up.  Please let us know if you can help.  Our goal is to have two van fulls (we have one thus far).  A few of us will be going up for the weekend of August 9-11 to help distribute, organize and all-around assist the local outreach.  If you would be interested in joining us, please let us know a.s.a.p.

Here is the list of the items we are collecting:

Food items
(Prefer that these are individual sizes (1-2 servings) as they will be put into backpacks for children to take home for the weekend).
Canned or packaged tuna
Canned chicken
Canned or boxed soups
Fruit cups
Veggie cups
Beef jerky
Breakfast Bars
Cheese crackers
Vienna Sausages
Rice Krispy Treats
Juice boxes
Crystal Light
Gatorade,  PowerAde, etc.
Ensure or children’s nutritional drinks

(All items need to be NEW – they can be full size, but prefer hotel size)
Hand or body lotions
Wash rags
Shaving cream
Hair brushes
Hairpins, barrettes, rubber bands/hair ties
Dental floss
Sanitary items
Hand sanitizers
Hand wipes
Eye Drops

We appreciate all the help thus far and will post a few pictures when we return.  If you have any questions, please send us an email at: 

Thank you and as always, be4good!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Countdown to Owsley

In less than 2 months we will travel to Owsley, Kentucky to deliver goods for the needy there.  Here is their blog for you to look at:

I am hopeful those who read this blog and our blog are taking a little time to put aside some of the items we are collecting.  If you are a traveler and collect shampoo, conditioner, lotions and soap, please consider donating them to our project.  The full list of items we are trying to collect are listed below.

At the end of July, we will post collection sites for drop off and phone numbers that can be called for pickups.  If you have questions about any of the items or the project, please email us at  If anyone is interested in donating monies to help pay for the rental truck and accommodations while we are there, please email us a.s.a.p.  (Although we are not a non-profit group, I am able to get tax deductible receipts for all donations if you provide me with a list and your name and address.) 

Current list of items needed:

Food items
(Prefer that these are individual sizes (1-2 servings) as they will be put into backpacks for children to take home for the weekend).
Canned or packaged tuna
Canned chicken
Canned or boxed soups
Fruit cups
Veggie cups
Beef jerky
Breakfast Bars
Cheese crackers
Vienna Sausages
Rice Krispy Treats
Juice boxes
Crystal Light
Gatorade,  PowerAde, etc.
Ensure or children’s nutritional drinks

(All items need to be NEW – they can be full size or hotel size)
Hand or body lotions
Wash rags
Shaving cream
Hair brushes
Hairpins, barrettes, rubber bands/hair ties
Dental floss
Sanitary items
Hand sanitizers
Hand wipes
Eye Drops

Thanks again for taking the time to read our blog and support our project.

and as always, be4good!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Owsley County Outreach Summer 2013

Thebe4goodproject’s summer project will be bigger than anything we have done before.  We will be filling a truck with much needed supplies for the Owsley County Outreach Program in Booneville, Kentucky. (  This is noted as the poorest county in our country. Please look them up on Facebook and like them as they have a chance to receive some money if they get enough likes.

We will need a couple of volunteers to make the trip with us.  The dates of our trip are Friday, August 8th departure and returning on Sunday, August 10th.  We will stay in accommodations provided for by friends of the outreach program for $12.50 per person per night.  We are hopeful to have someone finance our trip.  We will arrive on Friday, work Saturday and Sunday at the Thrift Store and for the Outreach Program and return to Georgia/our homes on Sunday afternoon.

Our objective is to concentrate on providing items in two specific areas:  personal hygiene bags for seniors and food and school supplies for Children.  We ask that you share this with all of your friends and family.  The items needed are listed below.  There is no minimum – as many as we can get the better. We ask that everyone collect these items and hold onto them until late July.  We will have three drop off locations posted on this site at a later date or they can be picked up by a member of our project.  Once collected we will assemble the items into packages and then box them up for our trip to Kentucky.  These items will be distributed to the patrons of Owsley County. 

We will also be taking gently used any size clothing and shoes and school supplies and small household items, too.  These items need to be in very good condition (for clothing: no tears, stains or buttons missing.  For household items: need to be small in size such as toasters, etc. and need to be clean and working.  Also looking for blankets, bedding items and towels).

Here is our primary wish list.  Feel free to print the list and share with neighbors and friends:

Food items
(Prefer that these are individual sizes (1-2 servings) as they will be put into backpacks for children to take home for the weekend).
Canned or packaged tuna
Canned chicken
Canned or boxed soups
Fruit cups
Veggie cups
Beef jerky
Breakfast Bars
Cheese crackers
Vienna Sausages
Rice Krispy Treats
Juice boxes
Crystal Light
Gatorade,  PowerAde, etc.
Ensure or children’s nutritional drinks

(All items need to be NEW – they can be full size or hotel size)
Hand or body lotions
Wash rags
Shaving cream
Hair brushes
Hairpins, barrettes, rubber bands/hair ties
Dental floss
Sanitary items
Hand sanitizers
Hand wipes
Eye Drops

Please note: As you know we are NOT a non-profit organization.  We are a group of concerned citizens who are trying to spread peace, love and harmony to others, one person at a time.  If you wish to receive a tax-deductible receipt, I will need your name and address with a list of items donated so I can get a signed receipt from the Owsley Outreach Program.  Cash donations will be used to pay for the use of a truck and the overnight accommodations for project members making the trip.  We do not operate on any budget. We do not take any monies for any salary or payment.  Each project is paid for entirely by members and our donors.  If we are fortunate to have extra funds, they will be used to purchase more items for the Outreach Program.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Some bunny loves you!

We are finished!  Well, all but delivery, but we finished sorting and filling our 140 plus Easter Baskets for Love this past Sunday.  Six of our members ( Kim Keene, Jennifer Gale, Christina Klejka, Courtney Moore, Stephanie Gale, and Kathryn Gale) gathered at our Roswell location and had a blast filling baskets and laughing at each other's silliness.  We were accompanied by two of our little members, Cara and Sammy Kenny, and finished in less than 3 hours.  The baskets were the best ones yet.  Filled to the brim and filled with dolls and cars and books and candy and bunnies. 

Our deepest thanks go to the following donors who made this a huge success:  Beth Hereford, Lori Imhoff, Dr. Konrad Omeltschenko, Nita Grinkmeyer, Rebecca Anderson, Sandy Herndon, Nichole Burkhalter and friends at Montanas, Lauren Foster, Lynn Mitzell, Katie McDonald, Barbara Davis Mason, Gabby Tiragallo Page, Heather Lewis, Bonnie Steinfeld and to the following be4goodproject members: Marilyn Sammons, Patricia Sammons, Kim Keene, Eric DeHart, Shay Hamer, JoAnn Crawford, Jill Hewes, Stephanie Neal, Steve Gale, Ryan Gale, Valerie and Mike Sherer and the ladies who worked on Sunday.  I hope I have not forgotten anyone. 

Thursday we will be delivering over a 100 baskets to the MUST administrative site for distribution and will deliver the remaining 40 to the Elizabeth Inn Shelter on Cobb Parkway at the end of the month.

It is a wonderful thing to see how people can come together to support those in need.  God does wonderful things through us.  I want to encourage anyone who is reading this to consider being a part of our project or any group that helps others in our community and around our country

If interested in being part of our project, email us at

March 10th - Taking a break after we completed the baskets!!!

Next up, our summer project!  Check back soon for all the details and as always, be4good!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Easter Baskets Overflowing - You did it!

I am so thrilled to say the Easter Baskets For Love Project requests are filled...and our baskets will be overflowing thanks to all of you who helped.  This weekend people will be dropping off items (or having them picked up) and we will get prepared to fill the baskets next Sunday, March 10th at 1:00pm.  If you have any interest in helping us assemble, please email me at for location information.  I will post photos after the assembly day.

I just want to share how happy we are that our project (year 3) has brought more and more interested people in helping support our events.  Someone asked me why are we doing Easter Baskets instead of collecting food or answer is simple...what a great way to bring a smile to a child's face who would otherwise not know the fantasy of the Easter Bunny and the true meaning of Easter!  We feel that this token of providing baskets brings a day of joy for a child who may not have many joyous days.

We are grateful and thankful for all the joys we have...and it is important to never take things for granted. 

Thank you again for everything!  We look forward to our summer project starting in two weeks:  the Appalachian Trip!  More details to follow.

Have a wonderful day and as always, be4good!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Easter Baskets for Love - Year 3

Happiest of New Years to all of you!  I hope it brought peace, love and harmony to you and yours. 

Many of our be4good project members suffered through colds and the flu throughout the end of 2012, but we are hopeful for a healthier new year!

We have made some decisions about our annual projects going forward and have chosen four to do every year.  (Of course, when things come up from time to time, we will help where needed.)

Our four projects will be:
  • Easter Baskets for Love
  • Appalachian Mountain supplies/clothing project
  • Thanksgiving at MUST shelter
  • Christmas Stockings for the shelter/homeless children.
Our first project is starting now.  Although Easter seems a long way off, preparing for it takes time.  We are getting started now to see if we can get most of our supplies before March 2nd.  It takes hours to assemble baskets and wrap them - and the earlier we have our donations, the better.  This year we would like those who wish to participate to choose from the price lists below in order to have every basket filled with all the items we think are necessary.  You can choose to buy one or more of the item groups below.  All I need is your commitment to the NUMBER(S) listed.  Here are the items we need:

#1 - 25 $1 baskets from a Dollar Store purchased by JC
#2 - 25 $1 baskets from a Dollar Store purchased by SJG
#3 - 25 $1 baskets from a Dollar Store purchased by LM
#4 - 50 $1 baskets from a Dollar Store purchased by CHK
#5 - 25 chocolate bunnies (preferably 6" or larger)purchased by JMC
#6 - 25 chocolate bunnies (preferably 6" or larger)purchased by CHK
#7 - 25 chocolate bunnies (preferably 6" or larger)purchased by SN
#8 - 25 chocolate bunnies (preferably 6" or larger)purchased by SN
#9 - 25 chocolate bunnies (preferably 6" or larger)purchased by JH
#10 - 5 stuffed animals for newborn - 1yr old purchased by NG
#11 - 5 stuffed animals for newborn - 1 yr old  completed
#12 - 5 stuffed animals for newborn - 1 yr old completed
#13 - 20 matchbox cars purchased by KK
#14 - 20 matchbox cars purchased by KK
#15 - 10 Barbie dolls purchased by NB and friends
#16 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by SMGH
#17 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by END
#18 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by SJG
#19 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by END
#20 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by RAA
#21 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by KKgroup
#22 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste purchased by KKgroup
#23 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste donated by Dr O
#24 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste donated by Dr O
#25 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste donated by Dr O
#26 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste donated by Dr O
#27 - 10 toothbrushes and toothpaste donated by Dr O
#28 - 20 toys (ages 5-12 - boy or girl) purchased by JH
#29 - 20 toys (ages 5-12 - boy or girl) purchased by JH
#30 - 5 card games, ie UNO, etc purchased by NG
#31 - 5 card games, ie UNO, etc purchased by END
#32 - 5 card games, ie UNO, etc purchased by NB and friends
#32B - 5 card games, ie Uno, etc purchased by KMcD
#33 - 5 card games, ie UNO, etc purchased by NB and friends
#33B- 5 card games, ie UNO, etc purchased by KMcD
#34 - 10 lbs Easter candy purchased by END
#35 - 10 lbs Easter candy purchased by KKgroup
#36 - 10 lbs Easter Candy purchased by KKgroup
#37 - 10 matchbox cars purchased by SMGH

Updated 2/28/13

Once you decide which one(s) you wish to purchase, email us at and we will confirm the arrangements to get them to our be4goodproject location in Roswell. Our deadline for all donations is Saturday, March 2.  Items can be dropped off or shipped.  More information will be provided in our response email.

We really appreciate all of the continued help we get from our family, friends and our community.  It is a positive message to support those in need, and we are blessed and grateful for all you do for our project.  (As in previous events, if you are in need of a tax deductible receipt, we will get MUST to provide us with one.  I will need your name, address and list of items you donate in order to provide you with the receipt.)  For those not familiar with thebe4goodproject, you can either go to the beginning of our blog to read our story or know that we are NOT a non-profit organization.  We are a small group of people who share the same goal - to spread peace, love and harmony one person at a time).

Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns, and as always, be4good!