The holidays will be upon us before we can blink, so it is important to find our projects for the end of the year. Our first project will be to help MUST Ministries with their Thanksgiving Meal. We will be making two of the sides for 225 patrons, plus seconds. Much is needed to fulfill this request. If you have any interest in participating, please let me know by email. We need some of the following items to help us prepare:
Large cans of French Style Green Beans
Large Cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup
Large packages of Stuffing Mix
We appreciate any donation you can make - just let us know by sending an email to
Our group strives to be a support for those individuals/groups in need of help. We are thankful for all the blessings we receive and wish all of you a safe, happy and blessed Thanksgiving, too!
and as always, be4good