Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Film

The documentary based short film the be4good project was constructed from charity work done in the Fall/Winter of 2010. The entire film is roughly twenty-four minutes in length, so for blogging convenience we have posted bits and pieces of the film to give everyone an idea of what our organization is all about. We hope to have the full length film posted at some point for those interested in seeing it.


Always be4good!

Clips from "the be4good project"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Easter Baskets for Love

The be4good project has offered to create 100 Easter baskets for the MUST Ministry's foster families in Marietta, Georgia.  We will be collecting donated gift items to fill the baskets and we would love to have your help.  Following is the list of items we need.  Feel free to email us at and let us know what you will be able to donate.  All items must be in our hands by March 31st so that we have the time to assemble, wrap and deliver them to the MUST Ministries.  Foster families will pick them up the week before Easter for the children.

Please include your name and phone number when responding.  If you would like to become a member of our organization, or just on our email list, please let us know and we will email you the paperwork or add you.

Items needed: You can purchase all or some, just let us know - we will update the list as we receive donated items:

100 chocolate bunnies – requesting 5”- 8” heights only (Filled)
(All toys need to be relatively small as they will be put in 6” wide baskets with other items – ideas for toys include little cars, dolls, card games, balls, jacks, transformers, etc)
Total of 30 toys – age range 5 to 8 boy or girl (30 filled)
Total of 50 toys - age range 9-13 boy or girl (50 filled)
Total of 10 toys – age range 2-4 boy or girl (Filled)
10 lbs jelly beans – can be in little packets (Filled)
10 lbs chocolate foil eggs or similar (Filled)

Thanks for your help and prayers!

Always be4good!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sharing peace, love and harmony one person at a time

Let's start at the very beginning.

This is our story:

I have always been taught, and I truly believe, that it is in giving to others that we truly see the blessings of God.  Throughout my youth, into adulthood and still today I have tried to make a positive difference in the lives of others.  Have I always been good at it? No.  Have I made mistakes? Sure.  But two things are certain - I have always strived to be for good and I have taught my four children to do the same.  I did not know how much an effect I would have on them until this past Christmas.

Over the years we've celebrated Christmas by taking time to make some of our gifts for others.  I believe gifts made by hand are the most special.  I wanted my children to experience the joy in the eyes of others when they opened a homemade or handmade gift. It could have been homemade candies or cookies, an ornament, a scrapbook of family photos or even candles made in random glassware we picked up at the local bargain store.  We did different types of charitable gift giving as well, like adopting a family by fulfilling their wish lists of gifts and food or bringing toys to the local children's shelter - all the time, reminding them of the importance of giving from your heart...even if it meant spending money earmarked for ourselves to bring some joy to the lives of those with less. I had some resistance along the way, but for the most part, my children always enjoyed making the gifts or participating in the giving. 

My children would ask me every year, "Mom, what do you want for Christmas?"  First item on my list every year, "Peace, love and harmony."  It became more of a "c'mon mom, what do you want?" more than the idea of really trying to promote the sense of joy these three words and actions can bring.  No matter how hard we tried, Christmas Day always brought with it some conflict or impatience at some point in the day. 

I want to mention that if you did not already notice, my email starts with be4good.  That's the email I chose when "peace2u" was already taken many years ago when we first signed up for an email account.  I don't know what made me come up with it, but it stuck and I have used it ever since.  I love the connotation it implies - be4good versus any other choice.

This Christmas I was fortunate to have all of my children present, along with my two wonderful son-in-laws, and my three precious granddaughters.  A normal Christmas Day starts out with the two youngest, who still reside at home, opening their gifts from under the tree, followed by me opening mine and my husband opening his last. (A tradition my husband insists on every year).  When my two oldest daughters arrive with their families, we have a traditional brunch and then proceed to open our granddaughters' gifts, then theirs and their husbands. 

Christmas usually includes some crazy activity like a scavenger hunt or a family game - ideas I have introduced over the years to add a special "touch" for the day...but this year my kids sat me down - in the recliner - in front of the TV and shared what they had done in honor of me.

They inserted a DVD into the player and pressed play.  The title  the be4good project rolls across the screen and the tears started to flow - I knew!  I knew they had created something so incredibly thoughtful and loving that I need not explain more - it is worth the 24 minutes for you to watch it and see what I saw and feel what I felt.  My children were not doing something that has not been done before.  People do wonderful things for charity every day - many devote their lives to it.  As a family, and sometimes as individuals, we had done many things before to help others. They were, however, sharing with me the "peace, love and harmony" they had learned to feel and share with others.  What an incredible gift!  I have never been more touched and more blessed than I was in that moment.  

My second daughter, Jennifer, had come up with the idea to give me that gift on the top of my list - that gift I had asked for year after year.  She said they were creating an organization - the be4good project  - as a way to share the peace, love and harmony that they had learned with others.  My oldest, Valerie, made a scrapbook to go along with the DVD of all the events they participated in. What an honor!  What an incredible moment!  All of my children and son-in-laws and grandchildren and some of their friends participated in these events - and it was all done behind my back without even an inkling of what they were doing.

I invite you to watch my gift and to share it with others.  I invite you to join our group to spread "peace, love and harmony" through volunteering your time to helping others. We hope you will walk side by side with us in our endeavors to be4good.

(We are trying to find a way to load the DVD onto the blog and have not been able to yet since it is 24 minutes long.)